Connected Car Life
Hey Siri-funny questions

The Top 50 Funny Things to Ask Siri




For Apple CarPlay the bulk of the user experience revolves around the sometimes-sassy virtual assistant, Siri. If you’re in the mood for a slight chuckle, ask Siri one of these 50 questions. The ones in bold might have made us chuckle a little harder then the others (also note that Siri sometimes has multiple answers to some of these questions).

  1. What is 1 million divided by 0?
  2. What is 0 divided by 0?
  3. What is infinity times infinity?
  4. Rock paper scissors
  5. Siri make me a sandwich
  6. Tell me a joke
  7. See you on the seventh
  8. Tell me a poem
  9. Beam me up
  10. Guess what
  11. Who’s on first?
  12. Open the pod bay doors
  13. How much do you weigh?
  14. Are you smart?
  15. Are you perfect?
  16. Can you see me?
  17. Do you think I look fat in this?
  18. Will you marry me?
  19. What is Inception about?
  20. Can I buy you a drink?
  21. Are you there?
  22. What are you doing?
  23. What are you wearing?
  24. When do you sleep?
  25. How do you look?
  26. How do I look?
  27. How is it to be you?
  28. Why do you vibrate?
  29. Have you seen Star Wars?
  30. What is your favorite color?
  31. What are you going to be for Halloween?
  32. Do you know pick up lines?
  33. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all
  34. What does the fox say?
  35. Who let the dogs out?
  36. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  37. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  38. Why are fire trucks red?
  39. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  40. What is the meaning of life?
  41. When is the end of the world?
  42. What’s the best phone?
  43. Rap
  44. Beatbox
  45. Knock Knock
  46. Hey Cortana
  47. You’re the best
  48. Blah blah blah
  49. Meow
  50. OK Google